Thursday, May 27, 2010

May 2010

Well we survived a long weekend at the cottage with the Hartill's, Grew's and Baxter's. Eight adults and six kids. The boys got two rounds of golf, and the girls got a few hours at the glorious spa nearby! The weather was fantastic, and the water was......just fine for the kids.

Logan gets sandwiched by Sydney, and Keira.

A face full of sand.

So proud of his rock throwing skills.

Daddy and Logan search the beach for just the right rock.

Logan examines the giant pieces of clay.

Keira LOVES to point.
Sydney and Keira take a stroll.

Stephanie watching the boys on the beach.

Logan and Sydney.

Searching again for the perfect one.

Pointing at her Daddy.

The wave.


The Grew's minus Brayden-he was sleeping in the cottage.

Keira and her Daddy.

"Look mom we made it to the orange rock"

Sydney starts a trend and decides to go for a dip in the Bay.

Keira really enjoyed the water, sand and rocks. Her mom almost took her up to the cottage when she showed an interest....I said maybe if she got to feel the water and realized how cold it was she wouldn't want to go in it........well clearly that didn't happen. She LOVED getting right in clothes and all.

Enjoying a freezie break.

Brayden enjoyed the beach too, once he woke up.

Logan LOVES being with the older kids.

Ryan enjoying his freezie.

Brayden taking it all in.

Stephanie about to have lunch-she looks happy.

Sophie and Brayden.

Sandy baby feet.

Sandy face.

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