Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cottage Pic's for Katie Kelly and Family to see : )

Hey Katie, here are a few pictures of the cottage. They were not taken for "showing" purposes so please ignore some of the junk. Next time we go I will try to get some shots of the bathrooms, kitchen, bedrooms on the main floor and laundry room if you like.

You can click on any of these pictures to enlarge and then just click your back button to get back to the blog.

Logan checking out the Bay from the beach.

Chris relaxing.

Logan collecting rocks(pebbles) to put by the firepit.

Chris and Logan sitting on the deck which overlooks the lawn and the Bay.

Here's a pic of Logan on my Aunt's side, our lawn is behind him over to the fence.

This was the only nice one I could find of the back entrance. It still has some landscaping to be done under that snow.

Back porch.

Private road along front(you would mainly see people on bikes, and walking not too many cars pass by)

Back entrance. Please ignore the sign.....it's from the old outhouse....enough said : )

Queen beds upstairs. Just realized that I don't have a picture of the room behind that door.....there are two bunk beds in there.

Another view of the same room.

Stairs going down....obviously.

Master bedroom closets. Sorry I don't have a clear picture or one of the king size bed, or the bathroom in there.

Front of cottage. This was taken before they finished the white fascia around the top.

Looking down at the beach from the lawn.

Living room fireplace. Again sorry I don't have a pic of the seating and stuff.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Well, Logan is almost 22 months now. He is full of words, so many that we've lost count, and he is quite the character. He goes to "school" four days a week and he thrives there. I was amazed one night when i picked him up and he pointed out each kids coat hook and jacket, and then when on to pick up some shoes and told me who they belonged to. He was right every time according to the name tags everywhere. I know they are sponges but it still amazes me.

While we were on holidays over Christmas we were fortunate to go to the cottage. Logan would stare out the window and say "outside" over and over until we went out. He still loves being outside, and was quite upset on the days when there was a snow storm with -20 degree weather outside, so we just played inside. When we did get outside he loved being pulled around on his toboggan and especially loved it when we'd let it go down the hill. "Again" he would say over and over.

Logan also loves books, and pointing out what he sees in them. He will also lift up books usually upside down, and sit beside us and then 'read' to us while babbling away. It is the cutest thing ever.

Last night while I was loading pictures onto the blog I could hear Logan starting to sing the national anthem "Oh Canada". I ran out to capture his excitement with the video camera, and got him singing the beginning over and over until the woman started to sing the song before the hockey game. We have a bedtime routine which entails us singing the national anthem, ABC's, and then counting from 1-10. When this is done Loan lifts his head and says "night night" he knows it is time for bed. I'm not sure, but on several occasions now Logan will count from 1 to 10. Sometimes we alternate the numbers together and quite often he starts counting from 4, forgets 5, then continues on to 10 all by himself. I'm not sure if it has to do with the fact that we count to 10 every night(and have been doing this now for over a year) before he goes to bed...but we're going to continue with it. Maybe soon we'll continue to 20?

Tonight after I did the routine and put him down into his crib, he babbled on the for 45 mins-1hr. All we could hear was Logan naming off his friends names at school Carter, Liam, Hannah, Abby, Corry, Connor, Christopher(sounds like Clifford when Logan says it)), Abby to name a few and then we could hear him whispering "Mommy, Daddy?" Then he started counting off numbers from 1 through 10.

What an angel. I love this guy!

This morning when Logan woke up he called out "daddy, daddy?" then I guess when he heard nothing he started to call out "Chris?" He has done this now a few times that we have noticed, calling Chris by his first name. I suppose he hears me calling for Chris, and knows that I get a response when I do.

As for potty training, since the episode in the toilet at his daycare back in September(see Septmber 23 2009)we haven't been to the potty much. I'm not sure if it scared him or what but we're(Logan) not too interested in it right now. So we'll keep asking him if he wants to go on it but.....

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!!!!

We were fortunate to go to the cottage for New Year's. It was a winter wonderland and we didn't want to leave. I was able to get out skiing for two days with a friend while Chris watched Logan. It will be so much fun when we can take him with us to the hills next year.

Logan making his way through the piles of snow.

Logan was sad to see McLeod go.

Logan hanging out with McLeod at the cottage.

Fun @ Grumpa's!!!

Logan had the most fun tossing the tissue around the living room.

Story time with McLeod.

Christmas holidays.

Logan tastes some of his cookies that we baked.

Waiting patiently for the buzzer to sound.

Watching them bake.

Logan and I made some gingerbread cookies on December 26th.

Logan has a visit with his cousins, Willow and Hailie.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Christmas night @ Grumpa's.


Hugs for Grumpa.

Delicious Brunch with the Grandma and Grandpa Stuteley and Aunt Alli.

Logan ripping around the house with his new "CHUCK" the talking truck from Grandma and Grandpa, and his cool new light up racing car shoes from Aunt Alli, which he did not want to take off.

Waiting patiently for Daddy to get Chuck out of the box.

Trying to help to make it go faster.

Loving his new blanket from Grandma and Grandpa.

Loving his new carry on bag with wheels for our trip to Florida in March.

Logan was so excited to get "MORE FOOTIES"(he kept repeating this) in his stocking, and wanted to open them up instantly. ***"FOOTY" is what he calls his soother.

Logan got this puppy from Santa. It sleeps alll the time and it's belly moves so that it looks like it is breathing. We have it sitting in the living room, and Logan loves to pet it. he thinks it's real.

Yup, he cleaned up. Chris and I did the shopping seperately....Logan got lots of cool stuff from Santa.

Santa ate his cookie that we left out for him, and the carrots for the reindeer were gone too ; )

Christmas morning.....bright and early at 6:50 am. None of the houses across the street had their lights on yet...we were the first to rise : ( It was still dark out.

"THOMAS!!!" Logan was very excited to see his new train track from Santa, and kept shouting "THOMAS, THOMAS!" as the train went around the track.

Checking things out very carefully.