Logan-"OMG Liam....don't they realize how HOT these things are?? Our parents are nuts. I'd like to see them dressed up for sub zero degree weather, while sitting in your nice cozy house. I think I'm evaporating"
Liam-"I know dude, watch this.....they'll take it off if I start crying...wait for it.....wait for it"
Logan-"That was good Liam, but I've learnt a few tricks too. Watch how I knock my head into my Dad's head....it works like a charm"

High Five for Liam the monkey.
Logan-"Hey Liam, That was great team work. I thought they'd never take us outside!"

About to smash the pumpkins.
"Trick or Treat"
Ding dong
About to go to his first house....Liam's