Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Today I picked Logan up from school, and Logan(with the help of his teachers) had something to tell me....................he sat on the potty! What a big boy ; ) Now although he didn't do anything when he sat on the toilet, it's a great start nonetheless. At school they have mini toilets for the kids to train on. I guess we'll have to go get a potty for him to use at home for practicing, as our new toilet in the bathroom seems taller than he is. We're so proud of him.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


What a handsome boy!!! LOL!

1st Tennis Lesson

We took Logan to the local tennis court at the cottage. It was great as we were the only ones playing, he was "caged" in and we had our very own ball boy who ran to get our(my) missed balls ; )

Of course to anyone who walked by they got a "Hi" over and over and over as they got closer to Logan standing against the fence on the courts, and then when they responded back with a "Hi", he then proceeded to say "Bye" over and over and over agin until they were out of his sight. it was very cute. Today when I picked him up at school(daycare) the supervisor told me he is the official in house greeter to EVERYONE who comes and goes from the classroom. What a cutie!

Babies, babies and more babies.

Wow it seems everyone is having babies now. Here are two cuties Nicole and Madison. Their mommies(Johanne and Lisa) went to school with Chris and I.

They're just 6 months apart. (Jan 16/09 and July14/09)

Now here is actually they were very good during the playdate.
L-R: Scott(6), Logan(17months), Colin(4), Liam(4 months)

Sleeping Beauty!

Take two!

A visit to the splashpad.

Logan takes a run for it.

Cottage Time.

Daddy tests out his balance.

Logan loves the hammock.

Joe, Shannon, Eva and Byron come for a visit.
Eva checking out the flowers.

Eva and Logan playing on the slide.

Eva and Byron....cheeeeeeeese!

We Alll SCream for Ice Cream!!!!1

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

July 2009


Tickle tickle...

Take I



Driving the boat.

Watching Gramma Lou on her maiden voyage in the Kayak.

Learning to use the pump.
Logan's new toy-the buckles on his booster seats.


"More Please!"

Yummmy breakfast on the deck.

About to take a dip in the lake.

Enjoying the afternoon sun in the porch.

MEAFORD with the PLatten's.
Crosby checks out the shovel.
Scott and Leah.

Taking a spin on the wind surfer.......with a shovel!??! (we didn't have a paddle)
Walking back from the park.

Leah sniffs the Hydrangeas.

Logan and Crosby, just 16 days apart.

Helping Daddy dig out the root/tree on Aunt Fran's beach.