Sunday, February 22, 2009

New blog template.

So I was getting bored with the old one and thought I'd change it up. I like this one. I think we'll keep it for awhile.

More Teeth.

Yet again we are teething. It feels as though it's been going on forever now, and i hope they come quickly.


As of Wed Feb 18th, our 3rd wedding anniversary and Logan's 11 month birthday, he has been walking. He gradually is walking further distances, but he's definetly walking. He is still faster when crawling, so he tends to revert back most of the time.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Bathroom reno-BEFORE

Jan 2009

"Hey, this isn't my soother!"

"I just want to get a raisin"

"Can I help you"

Yummy Lunch time.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Jan 2009 pic's

Getting into the cupboards....AGAIN!!!

This thing kinda looks like my soother, I think I'll try it. (popsicle stick)

Our little Fire Chief.

"I see you looking at me mom"

Bath Time Baby!!

My favourite time of the day...BATH TIME!!! Sometimes it seems that Logan will start to fuss early on into his dinner, sometimes even skipping or eating very little of his fruity dessert. We're convinced that it is because he wants into his bath.

Often this is what he does as soon as he gets in. Spins around onto his belly and just watches the water(and tries to drink it too), while slowly slapping his feet down onto the water.

Logan LOVES bath time.

Bum Cheeks!!

Getting ready for bath time.

Hanging out at Grumpa's before Christmas

"Really Grumpa???" "Santa will bring me a present if I'm a good boy??"

Getting into trouble at Grumpa's(trying to destroy and eat the jiggly ball/toy)

"Hurry up Mommy, we have to go to Grumpa's now"

Helping make my stocking at Grumpa's house.(a family tradition)

OOPS! I forgot to post these in November

Mom and Logan.

1st sleigh ride, into the cottage.

Breakfast @ the cottage.

Playing w/ Daddy at the cottage.

A beautiful day to come to the cottage. It was like a winter wonderland.

Novenber 2008

Winter wonderland at the cottage.

New Year's "08-'09

We were fortunate to go to the cottage for New Year's. We spent a week in a winter wonderland.


"Can we go outside and play"

Out for a visit to the Village @ Blue Mountain.

Getting ready for our walk.

Hanging out with Daddy @ the cottage.

Some more Dec '08 pic's

Checking out just a few of the toys from Santa, Mommy and Daddy, Grandparents, and family friends.

"Check out all my toys"

Our 2008 tree in the living room. Note: there are no decorations on the lower half ; )

Getting ready for a visit to Grumpa's house on Christmas day.

Walking with the wall.

Finally some Dec'08 pic's

Beautiful Boy!

"Hi everyone."

"Hey, check out my fish over here"

"Mom, I found Dad's coffee mug"

"Hey, Look what Daddy's friend brought for me" "It's Rudolph!!"