Monday, September 29, 2008

When are they supposed to crawl??????

So today as I was drying my hair, I kept checking Logan, as he was playing on the floor with his toys. At one check Logan was on all fours, and had himself rocking back and forth. He then proceeded to launch himself forward to get his soother.......just an hour later, he was on all fours and was then pulling himself forward with his arms. OMG!!!!!!! It's too soon.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


So Logan has been getting his first tooth. We really noticed something 4 days ago. He was really unhappy throughout the day, and sure enough......a tooth just cut through his gums. Poor guy. I went and bought him the "Razberry" to chew on and he really likes it. Basically it is similar to a soother, but shaped like a raspberry, with all the little nubs. The texture of it really helps relieve his gums, especially when we put it into the freezer for him. Logan is also enjoying being up on his hands and knees now too, but isn't sure what to do next. He woke up at 4 am the other day, unhappy, and i went in to see him.....he was just up on his hands and knees. i actually put my hand under his belly to see if it was touching his mattress. Nope, fully suspended in the air. All I could think was 'why is he doing this now at 4 am??' Fantastic!!!! We started an early years program last week at the Library. It's called Mother Goose. Basically, it's mothers and infants who get together to learn songs and rhymes to sing with their children. Logan loved it. Especially seeing all the other babies. We also started another strollerfit class in town last week, so I just walk over to the Library/community centre and away we go in our group. Logan has now started his 'solids'. I have been pureeing them on my own. So far he has had carrots, peas, and sweet potato. So far so good. Next will be butternut squash, beans, broccoli etc.
How exciting ; )

Green grass grows all around.......

Randoms Aug-Sept'08

Tummy Time.
Cool Dude in a laundry basket, while mom makes the bed.
Our big boy.
Drooly man.

Randoms Aug-Sept'08

I like my cool winter jacket mom, but I think you bought the wrong size.

'MC BOO & The Tricky Treats'
This thing is cool mom. What is it?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Grandma & Grandpa came for a visit.

"Hi Grandma, I like your new haircut"
So glad you came for a visit.
Ahhh, what a nice pic.

More randoms Aug-Sept'08

I Love it here!!! (on the dock @ Sandma & Johnpa's Cottage-Lake Cecebe)
Here I go..... : )
Logan loves his feet.
See I told you...
Checking out the stocks ; )

Random Aug'08-Sept'08

Mom I think this sweater is too small now!!!
Hmmmmm who does this remind you of?? Someone famous?!?
Sandma still has the magic touch.......Zzzzzzzzzzz's
Peekaboo. I see you. ( this is where I put Logan one day to fold the laundry....he loved it)
Our big boy!