Saturday, April 19, 2008

Road Trip...

Well this past week we took our first road trip for more than 25 minutes. We drove up to the cottage which is approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes in good traffic. Logan was really good until the last ten minutes...he was wet and hungry. Chris was working on some finishing touches to the inside of the new addition during the week, and mom and Logan hung out and went for walks, raked plenty of leaves, visited with Aunt Fran and Ross....napped.....fresh air ; ) The weather was great. There was a small patch of snow at the beginning of the week, but it is gone now. Several flowers are on there way through the ground. We will post pic's soon.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Pee pee tee pee!!!!

Well it looks like we might have to seriously consider getting some of these. The other day as I was changing Logan's diaper Chris was talking to him at the same time. All of a sudden Chris starts mumbling to me and all I can see was the stream onto Chris' face. Of course I start laughing and cover up the culprit so that it wouldn't continue to get all over Chris. Chris then ran to the washroom and started spitting into the it turns out...while Chris was talking, Logan managed to have perfect aim into his Dad's mouth.....I hope he's that good at getting it into the toilet when the time comes!

Two minutes later Chris proceeded to pick up Logan to hold him on his chest.....apparently Logan wasn't feeling too good, and vomited all over the front of Chris. I quickly grabbed the towel off of Chris(he'd just had a shower) to mop up Logan. Chris said "what about me?" All I could do was laugh. Poor Chris. He got peed on and puked on within minutes of each other. Chris immediately hopped back into the shower to clean himself up, while I continued to laugh. It was really funny.

March 18, 2008

Contractions started last night and continued throughout the night. Tues morning got up and showered and headed to the hospital to be assesessed. They checked me out and said "well it's still early labour. You can go home and come back when you cannot talk through a contraction" we went home. Tried to rest at home. Chris went to work and my mom came to stay with me. By the time Chris got home I was in tears, the pain was excruciating. My mom said "ok Chris it's time to take her to the hospital"...into the car we got and we were on our way. The drive down our street to the hospital was very very very long and painful for me. The longest drive of my life actually. It normally takes approx 7 minutes, but it felt like days. I could feel every bump and who knew about the advanced light going the opposite direction from which we were going. I never even realized that there was one until this day. When we finally arrived at the hospital I could not get out of the car because of the painful contractions, and wanting to push...already. Chris had to wheel me into the birthing ward in a wheelchair...what fun. Go figure that the lobby of the hospital was packed to capacity(so it seemed) and I had to wheel past everyone. There was no time for health cards or anything. They took me to a room and checked me out.....the nurse said to her co-workers "ok she's fully"....I started bawling and said "does that mean i won't get my drugs?!??" and all the nurse said was "yes, it's time to push"............ less than 2 hours later and alot of pain, we had our beautiful boy Logan. I cannot believe that I survived the whole delivery. It was traumatizing!!!

L arrives...

L. Stuteley


6 lbs 8 oz

20 inches
